VIDEO APPLICATION PROFILE – Border Surveillance Solutions

AMP Video Capture, Compression, Recording and Overlay are ideally suited to meet the harshest environments and critical reliability for border surveillance solutions in the US, Middle East, Asia, and beyond.


Integrated Fixed Towers (IFT) Source: Photo: James Tourtellotte


Securing borders against the illegal transportation of drugs, weapons and dangerous individuals has been an elusive goal for the US and many countries abroad. But today that goal is becoming a reality. Ultra high resolution night vision sensors are deployed remotely in fixed towers and on mobile platforms. These all seeing sensors are coupled with highly specialized analytics to detect undesired activity and remotely stream video over secure communications links. The real-time video provides enhanced safety, reduced cost and more effectively helps to stop border incursions.

Embedded video products from AMP play a key role in several widely deployed systems, providing persistent surveillance to help secure borders and reduce risk to Border Patrol Agents.


Mobile Video Surveillance System (MVSS) Source: Photo: Donna Burton


As shown below, AMP video solutions assure all sensor data is captured at the highest quality and lowest latency for real-time analytics, recording and remote streaming.

Example Application Diagram using AMP solutions:


AMP Border Surveillance Solutions


Ultra Low Latency H.264 Compression (CODECS)


Capture & Overlay (Frame Grabbers)


Ruggedized Streaming DVR